
Psychic Empowerment System Audio #11 - Develop Psychic Telepathy Now AAT Audio

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Psychic Empowerment System Audio #11 - Develop Psychic Telepathy Now AAT Audio


This is for the 1st audio NLP Hypnosis MP3 track for beginning on your psychic empowerment journey. The audio is designed to enhance and improve your psychic powers. There are 18 total audios in the Psychic Empowerment System. This is #11 of 18.

Want to become a Real Psychic almost overnight?

Amazing Secrets Discovered By Mind Control Hypnotherapist Makes You Become A True Psychic - Healing People, Seeing Into The Past and Future... And Gives You Telepathy and ESP Almost Overnight!


Now you can learn to use your natural inner psychic abilities to become truly and completely psychic having amazing experiences almost overnight, being able to see things before they happen, tapping into your sixth sense, having ESP and precognitive abilities, allowing you to heal other people from sicknesses ... and, if you are like most people, you'll notice a difference within just a few days!  Impossible?  Not if you believe that other people around the world are now saying...

Dear Friend,

If you've ever wanted to use telepathy on a regular basis without having to meditate for an hour (not to mention having a Sixth Sense and ESP) ... while living your normal life and not having to spend thousands of dollars on one-on-one training with a "guru" to show you how to have masterful control over your mind... then this will be the most important message you ever read.

Here's what this is all about:  My name is Rob Stringer, and until very recently I was your basic run of the mill, average guy.  I was interested in hypnosis, NLP and mind technologies.  I spent time reading books, practicing with my friends and by myself.  I wanted to become a psychic ... you know, be able to sense things about other people that I've met for the first time.  I wanted to be able to communicate telepathically.  I wanted ESP, precognition and a host of other psychic powers.  But I just wasn't able to do it. 

Are you in the same boat I was in?

Doesn't it drive you nuts that you haven't achieved your psychic powers yet?

I mean, I actually spent years of my life learning and trying to develop psychic powers but I never could do it.  There was no way for me to figure it out on my own.  So I just kept trying over and over and getting no where.

Ever tried it on your own and had dismal results like me?

Well, the good news is I finally found the hypno-success.com website where Reed Byron was producing advanced hypnotic NLP work for his "inner-circle."  Reed offered to send several inner circle members a copy of this new CD he created to develop psychic powers and I was one of the lucky ten who got one. 

Reed said that this CD was "experimental" and that we had to tell him about our results.  All I can say is in a few short weeks after using this "experimental" psychic development CD I actually felt like I had powers that were developing within me.  I saw amazing "coincidences" happen over and over again.  I got a raise, I developed friendships easier.  One person even swore that I had a new "look" about me.

Perhaps the best part is

My Wife Had Been Sick For Years

And Now She Was Feeling Better Than Ever!

Get this...

I then tried to do "telepathy" with an old friend.  This guy I hadn't seen for over 13 years... and

He Called Me Within 3 Hours!

No joke! And it just gets better and better!  My self defeating behaviors completely disappeared.. and I become absolutely fearless regarding my life.  It seems as though I had magical powers.  In fact, I did have magical powers... or rather, Psychic Powers!

So, I know you're wondering... how does this stuff work.  Let me explain.  You first begin an inner process of soul searching and self discovery.  Most of the time, you do this automatically in your subconscious mind.

You see, Reed has developed a "system" for psychic empowerment.  So, your mind, brain and body will all begin to start working synergistically together (perhaps for the first time in your life) and you will automatically start going down this road... beginning this amazing journey that will change your life forever.

After your self discovery, you will begin to invest time and effort to gain new powers and awaken the dormant powers that are inside you.  Next you will make several inner commitments and practice using your powers on a regular basis.  You will then focus and concentrate taping into the flow of the universe and the many level, planes and fields contained therein.  You will have feelings that will guide you to do certain things.  You then simply act on those feelings and you'll develop powers that you never knew you could have.

And all of it happens, while you relax and listen... If that's not power, I don't know what is!

Here's what the Psychic Empowerment System includes:

  • The Beginning CDs, which place you on the road so you begin your journey
  • The ESP CDs, that will awaken your ESP psychic powers!
  • The Precognition CDs to let you perceive past and future events!
  • The Psychic Telepathy CDs to train your mind and brain to communicate over the waves and frequencies of the universe!  No more need for phone numbers or cell phones!
  • The Psychic Clairvoyance CDs to take you to seeing the future and changing the choices to change the future.  (this is very powerful and just getting one of these CDs is worth the cost of the entire system)
  • The Psychic Healing CDs that will make you a psychic healer... there is no limit to what you will see and witness when you begin using these discs...
  • You will be able to heal people close or far, sense sickness or health wherever you go!
  • Learn To Develop you OWN Psychic Powers!
  • Specifically Learn to Master Your Thoughts and Instantly Focus On What You Want To Achieve and Acquire It Fast!
  • You Will Finally Unleash Your Psychic Powers!
  • And, much much more!

This is an 18 CD system and is only going to available for a limited time.  You are probably wondering what is on these 18 CDs and how you will become psychic by simply listening to them.  Let me explain.

By now you know that your inner-mind is very powerful, so powerful that it can do amazing things, right?  If you are ready to make the changes you need to become psychic now, then your thinking processes and mental sequences must change too.  By listening to these CDs, you will make the changes effortlessly.


Because all you have to do is listen to at least one CD once a day. That's it. Reed Byron, Master Hypnotist and Mind Technician, developed this CD system using the latest Mind-Brain Technologies (some of which he actually developed and created himself). Here is what will happen:

* Using Hypnosis, you will go into a state of relaxation and begin the transformation process to become psychic and then you will begin acquiring each psychic power . . . one by one they will be added to you . . . just by listening you will change.

* Using NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) you will then become psychic, you will FEEL psychic power all over your body - in every way possible, and learn how to feel that way, and use your psychic powers whenever you wish.

* Using Dual-Binaural Beats your brain waves will be synchronized with the hypnotic commands and suggestions to allow the changes to be placed deep within your unconscious or subconscious mind.

* Using Brain-Talk™ Technology your mind will literally be programmed for complete psychic power (kind of like what you've seen in the movie The Matrix).

* Using Post-Hypnotic Commands you WILL automatically feel more peaceful - less stress - and increase your psychic powers (each one listed) more and more each day as you perform routine actions!!! This alone is worth ten times the price of the CD system.

* Using Dream-Technology™, your own mind will continue to program itself to achieve and utilize each psychic power WHILE YOU SLEEP!!! This proprietary technology, developed by Reed himself, is so advanced, you will sleep better and increase your success and excellence during your dreams!!! Simply incredible, isn't it.

* Using your past and present to create the aura and presence of the true psychic which you have always desired to become. You have what it takes at this very moment, and when you are programmed to do it, you might never be the same again.

* Perhaps what is most important - this CD is designed to make the commands and suggestions PERMANENT, which will bring to your life PERMANENT change.

* Reed uses what he calls "The Single Greatest Suggestion on Earth" to literally increase the effectiveness of ALL the commands and suggestions while you simply relax and listen.

Remember, because of the power in this CD system, you might be able to listen to it once and you'll never stop using amazing psychic powers each day of your life !

Yes, it's that powerful



This Psychic Empowerment System includes the following discs:

1.  Become Psychic Now Beginning Now NLP Hypnosis CD

2.  Become Psychic Now Beginning Now Audible Affirmation Technology CD

3.  Become Psychic Now Beginning Now Sleep Programming CD

4.  Develop Psychic ESP Now NLP Hypnosis CD

5. Develop Psychic ESP Now Audible Affirmation Technology CD

6.  Develop Psychic ESP Now Sleep Programming CD

7.  Develop Psychic Precognition Now NLP Hypnosis CD

8.  Develop Psychic Precognition Now Audible Affirmation Technology CD

9.  Develop Psychic Precognition Now Sleep Programming CD

10.  Develop Psychic Telepathy Now NLP Hypnosis CD

11.  Develop Psychic Telepathy Now AAT CD

12.  Develop Psychic Telepathy Now Sleep Programming CD

13.  Develop Psychic Clairvoyance Now NLP Hypnosis CD

14.  Develop Psychic Clairvoyance Now AAT CD

15.  Develop Psychic Clairvoyance Now Sleep Programming CD

16.  Develop Psychic Healing Now NLP Hypnosis CD

17.  Develop Psychic Healing Now AAT CD

18.  Develop Psychic Healing Now Sleep Programming CD

(a total of 18 CDs)

"The Most Powerful and Advanced Mind
Development Products in the World

This audio must be listened to with stereo headphones.

This is for the purchase of audio #11. There are no more CDs, just MP3 files. This is for 1 MP3 file.

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You get 1 MP3 file you can download and listen to.

27.3 MB
29 minutes
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