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Thrive on Only 4 Hours of Sleep NLP Hypnosis Audio with Brain-Talk & Dream Technology

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Thrive on Only 4 Hours of Sleep NLP Hypnosis Audio with Brain-Talk & Dream Technology

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This CD will turn you into a super-man or super-woman!  How?  Because you'll be able to accomplish so much more once you listen to this one brand new audio created by Master Reed Byron... read on...

(Please note - this was originally offered on audio CD but now it is only offered as a downloadable MP3 File)

Thrive on Only 4 Hours of Sleep Hypnosis CD™

"The Only True Mastermind behind Ultimate Mental Power and Mind-Over-Body"™

This auction is for one (1) audio NLP Hypnosis CD that is the Only one USED by the MASTERS of Time Management and ALL over-achievers.  It is not experimental, but is based in proven mind science that will allow your mind to focus and concentrate to "speed up your night". The natural state of the brain is chaos and complex.  Billions of neurons act together to allow the mind to do wonderful things if your mind is trained properly.  Learn to master the chaos and overwhelm your mind to see the calm beyond the complexity.  This CD will have you get a FULL 8 Hours of Sleep in Only 4 Hours NOW...

Learn To Direct Your Mind Where YOU Want It To Go NOW...

I want you to IMAGINE for a moment what you can accomplish if you have another 4 hours added to your day.  What would it feel like to be completely energized and have complete rest after only 4 hours of sleep.  That is what this CD will give to you -- MORE TIME.  Everyone always leaves things undone, simply because they "don't have the time" right?  Well, now is your chance to break the mold and become the person you've always wanted to be.


Look -- you will acquire the POWER to Instantly achieve an entire night's sleep in only 4 hours!  This CD is VERY power and the suggestions are simply amazing and will work for you effortlessly -- all you have to do is listen to this CD at least once a day for the next 21 to 30 days.  That's it.  And you'll invoke the ability to get more done, better, sooner, and faster than ANYONE could imagein (simply because you have more time).  You'll have TOTAL Control over yourself.  This CD is so much more POWERFUL than anything you've EVER seen before -- it was digitally Mastered by Master Reed!

This CD uses Brain-Talk™ technology, Dual Binaural Beats, Soothing Sounds, Hidden commands and Hidden suggestions with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Hypnosis to allow PERMANENT changes in YOUR Inner mind... now...

In fact, here is what other people just like you who have USED Reed's systems and CDs say:

Reed Received this testimonial on August 8, 2002 --

"I would just like to say that last year I purchased the CMCS [Complete Mind Control System] from you and it has been an excellent program. IT DOES WORK I was totally amazed. Thank you and looking forward to future purchases."

"I don't know if you remember me or not, but I had got a cassette from
you about 2 months ago or longer. On Mind Control On Others. This tape
is so awesome it worked for me 3 days after I received it. 

Bright Blessings To You, and Thank You for doing this making these
tapes. Your an awesome person. Thanks, D. D."

"Man the work you guy's are putting out is getting better and better. I'm blown away with the latest i received.. has me buzzing all over.. it was #2 in the seduction series "automatic flirt / pheromone"  Ive studied hypnosis for about 4 years now.. "Erickson.. etc." that latest CD is da'bomb.  This evening at the Community College i go to, i was a flirting machine.. all had a blast during our breaks!" -- regarding Reed's Automatic Flirt CD


"I have just run through your 4 CD "Mental Psychic Seduction System" and I just wanted to say that your expert use of Dual Binaural Beat Technology, much like Shamanic drumming, makes them the most powerful recorded hypnotic inductions I have ever experianced, more powerful than either 'Major Mark' Cunninghams "Hypnotic Awakenings" or evan Dr Richard Bandler's "Personal Enhancement Series". What is truly fascinating to me, though, was the immediately noticeable effects of the "Mental Psychic Seduction System" on my everyday encounters with other people. As far as I could tell, I was behaving just the same as I was before the inductions and yet, everyone I met after running through the System, especially women, reacted differently to me, in a much more relaxed, open and friendly way. At first, I assumed that the "Mental Psychic Seduction System" had simply enhanced my rapport skills at an unconscious level, which would be worth the price of the System alone. In fact, I found that when I deliberately set out to assertively lead rather than pace, I found that women were suprisingly happy to go along with whatever I suggested! Beyond these amazing new skills, I have found fabulous new synchronicities occurring on an ever increasing basis, as if the Universe itself was lending a friendly hand in my wishes and desires. Worth the investment many times over!!!" P.K. Received August 28, 2002


REMEMBER -- Reed's CDs will work for you, period.  All you have to do is put on stereo headphones and listen -- that's it.

I will not accept ANY responsibility for damages you may cause with these techniques to yourself or others - YES THIS CD WORKS BETTER THAN ANY OTHER CD OUT THERE, SIMPLY BECAUSE IT USES BRAIN-TALK™ TECHNOLOGY, which you will ONLY find on Reed's CDs and no where else! 


“Thrive on Only 4 Hours of Sleep Dual Binaural Beats NLP Hypnosis CD with Brain-Talk™”

"The Most Powerful and Advanced Mind Development Products in the World"™

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You'll get 1 MP3 Audio File.

27.3 MB
29 minutes
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