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Complete Brain Healing Now NLP Hypnosis Audio with Brain-Talk & Dream Technology

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Complete Brain Healing Now NLP Hypnosis Audio with Brain-Talk & Dream Technology

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Have you been involved in a car accident or some other traumatic event where you have suffer trauma to your mind and brain?  If you have suffered in ANY way, from a stroke, heart attack or other horrible ailment involving the proper functioning of your mind and brain, then you need to get yourself a copy of this unique and special CD that have been specifically designed to restore to you, what was lost and make you capable of gaining a complete recovery - now!  Please read on to learn about how this CD will change you life . . .

Complete Brain Healing Now CD™

with Dual Binaural Beats, Brain-Talk™ Technology, NLP, Hypnosis and Dream Technology™

This CD was designed to get your

 Mental Function Back!

(Please Note: this is now an MP3 Download file, CDs are no longer offered)


That your brain is so powerful that as long as you have the WILL to recover, you can and you most surely will.  This CD was designed using several cutting edge patented mind science technologies that will change the way your brain works, insert covert hypnotic suggestions and commands into your "inner" subconscious mind that will literally reprogram how you brain works and all you (or your loved one) to recover . . . yes, it is possible.

How does it work?

Good question.  By using semi-subliminal, NLP and hypnosis, Master Reed commands the brain to recover from the trauma that has affected the brain.  The commands are specifically phrased to allow brain healing and recovery.  Now, don't wait any longer to put the power of this CD into use.  It is recommended that they listen to the CD at least once a day with stereo headphones.

Please read a testimonial for someone who USED one of Reed's CDs -

*Received: Thursday, June 20, 2002 5:39 PM


Thanks for the CD. I like it quite a bit--it's a good, solid session 
(although, IMHO, not up to the very high level of some of your others such 
as Millionaire Mindset and Total Mind Power). The induction is excellent, a 
very nice ultra-depth one. I have no particular preference as to the 
'effects' used in track one or two--both are equally appealing to me.
For personal reasons, I prefer track 2 and used it by far the most. 
Having been in this 'game' for a long time, I prefer tapes/cds with little 
or no inductions--one reason I enjoy many of your cds that don't have any, 
or don't have real long ones. I've gotten to the point where I just don't 
need an induction, so track 2 suited me best.
The main result has been a slightly decreased need for sleep and a bit 
more energy. I find myself sleeping probably 30-60 minutes less a 
night--which is always nice, having more time in the day. The other 
interesting result is anecdotal. I went to a local sports bar with an old 
friend a week or so ago. Now, mind you, I am staring my 39th birthday in 
the I'm sure you can understand how my friend (who is a year 
younger than me) almost fell off his chair when the waitress asked to see my 
ID. So at some level, at least, the 'youthing' does, indeed, seem to be 
having an effect. ;-)
I had hoped to have a bit more time to compile a second report for you as 
I have passed the cd on to my father to use. He hasn't been using it long 
enough for me to fully evaluate the impact. If anything noticeable occurs, I 
will write you about it in the future. However....

I have to pass on one of the most intriguing anecdotes that I have 
encountered in all my years of involvement with hypnotherapy and the new 
therapies. As you probably recall, my dad was one of the first to use your 
healing tape and I wrote a 'testimonial' about how it had significantly 
reduced the normal treatment time and greatly reduced the side effects.
About 9 months or so after his full recovery, one day he was rushed to 
the hospital with massive breathing problems, chills, etc. As the day wore 
on, things got worse, and I watched at one point as a team of doctors worked 
feverishly on him. Eventually they stabilized him, and only after many hours 
did they finally diagnose some sort of blood infection. It was literally 
'devouring' the oxygen in his blood supply, hence the incredibly rapid 
breathing/shortness of breath and chills. A doctor later told me that it 
was the worst he had seen in years. The story about your tape picks up at 
this point.

My dad spent about 4 days in ICU and a couple in a normal room. Only 
after he had been home for about a week did he tell me when I was visiting 
one night what had happened. He said that when he regained consciousness in 
ICU and began to become fully aware, that the first thing he 'saw'--his eyes 
were still closed--was nothing but red. Humorously, he told me that his 
first thought was, "Oh ----, I've died and gone to Hell." Eventually he 
opened his eyes and realized that wasn't the case :-). But each time he 
closed them, he saw nothing but red.
In a short time he began to notice that it wasn't just pure red; in fact, 
there were many black spots or blotches scattered all about the red surface. 
Over the next few days, he found that he still saw the red whenever his 
eyes were closed, but that the number of spots gradually decreased. I was 
able to tell him exactly what had been going on: healing imagery. He later 
told the story to two of his doctors who stood in amazement at it. One 
commented, "You were watching your blood being cleaned."
I found this incredibly interesting, as the tape--after almost a 
year--had so effectively installed the imagery process, that it became 
totally automatic and essentially permanent.
Well done! (And thank you) :-)
These days, due to his age (77), he has a problem sleeping all night long 
without waking up several times in the night. My hope in giving him this 
new experimental CD is that it will alleviate this. Will let you know if 
there is any improvement over time (he has only been using the cd for a 
short while).

Thanks again and keep up the good work,
KP" [emphasis added.]

Remember, even if you don't buy this CD now, that the Brain can HEAL - FAST!  So, don't wait any longer . . .


REMEMBER -- Reed's CDs will work for you, period.  All you have to do is put on stereo headphones and listen -- that's it. We do not guarantee anything re: this audio

I will not accept ANY responsibility for damages you may cause with these techniques to yourself or others - YES THIS CD WORKS BETTER THAN ANY OTHER CD OUT THERE, SIMPLY BECAUSE IT USES BRAIN-TALK™ TECHNOLOGY, which you will ONLY find on Reed's CDs and no where else!  Please review the terms and conditions below.


“Complete Brain Healing Now NLP Hypnosis CD”

"The Most Powerful and Advanced Mind Development Products in the World"™

This is sold as entertainment only as it is not approved by the FDA, or any government institution, or any medical institution.

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